Knox County, Nebraska
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1920 Atlas of Knox County, Nebraska
Knox County, Nebraska

Farmer's Directory of Central Precinct
1920 Atlas, Knox County, Nebraska
(The Anderson Pub'l. Co., Page 44)

Transcribed by: Tom & Debra Risinger

Abbreviations: Wf., wife; ch., children; O., owner; R., renter; ac., acres; sec., section; ( ), years in county.

Abbenhaus, F. A. Wf. Margaret; ch. Agnes, Leonard, Margaret, Clara, Francis, Laura. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 24; R. 320 ac., sec. 25. (42.) Owner, Wm. Abbenhaus.

Abbenhaus, Wm. Ch. Frank, George, John, Mary, Anna. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 27; O. 80 ac., sec. 22; O. 320 ac., sec. 25; O. 160 ac., sec. 24. (46.)

Alm, Christ. P.O. Center, Box 52. R. 363.20 ac., sec. 7. (20.) Owner, J. F. Reisman.

Bertschinger, John A. Wf. Mary; ch. Edward, George, Wallace. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 200 ac., sec. 19; O. 80 ac., sec. 30; O. 40 ac., sec. 29. (6.)

Bishop, Art. Wf. Katie; ch. Lena, Donald, Dora, Wilma. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 9. (1.)

Block, Wm. F. Wf. Theresa; ch. Willie, Eleanora, Louie, Alma, Selma, Albert, Alvin. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 4; R. 80 ac., sec. 4. (26.) Owner, H. Roberts.

Blunk, Louie. Wf. Dora; ch. Mildred. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 361.42 ac., sec. 30. (1.)

Bolton, W. A. Ch. Noah, Elsie, Violet, Ida, Augusta, Fred. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 5. O. 320 ac., sec. 12. (11.)

Busch, Herman. Wf. Freida; ch. Carl, Herman, Theodore, John, Annie. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (41.)

Cook, Frank. Wf. Annie; ch. May, Rose, Evelyn. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 27; R. 80 ac., sec. 22, and in Valley Prec., O. 200 ac., sec. 21. (15.) Owner, Wm. Abbenhaus.

Doerr, Peter J. Wf. Friedericka; ch. Harvey, Elsie. P.O. Creighton, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 36. (24.) Owner, Phillip Doerr.

Doerr, Phillip. Wf. Anna; ch. Albert, Mildred. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 320 ac., sec. 16. (16.)

Edwards, Boyd and Reece. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 31; R. 160 ac., sec. 30. (3.) Owner, C. Boje.

Ehlers, Henry. Wf. Anna; ch. Levorn, Marie, Alvera, Henrietta, Dorothy. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 240 ac., sec. 28; R.160 ac., sec. 21. (20.) Owner, Herman Guhlke.

Fryer, Clyde.Wf. Maggie; ch. Robert C., Irene P.0. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 26; R. 120 ac., sec. 26. (9.) Owners, Louis Goetz and E. Olson.

Goedeker, Fred. Wf. Sophie; ch. Charles, Louise. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 240 ac., sec. 29. (3.) Owner, Emil Guhlke.

Gnewuch, Carl. P.O. Center. O. 80 ac., sec. 6; O. 80 ac., sec. 5; R. 82.20 ac., sec. 7; R. 241.60 ac., sec. 6, and in Valley Prec., R. 40 ac., sec. 12. (37.) Owner, Chas. Gnewuch.

Gnewuch, Chas. Wf. Minnie; ch. Carl, George, Hugo, Cora. P.O. Center. O. 241.60 ac., sec. 6; O. 82.20 ac., sec. 7, and in Valley Prec., O. 40 ac., sec. 12. (40.)

Gnewuch, Geo. P.O. Center. O. 160 ac., sec. 6; R. 241.60 ac., sec. 6; R. 82.20 ac., sec. 7; and in Valley Prec., R. 40 ac., sec. 12. (36.) Owner, Chas. Gnewuch.

Gray, F. M. Wf. Fannie; ch. Willie, Walter, Gladys, Jessie, Dorothy, Hazel. P O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 3; O. 80 ac., sec. 2. (14.)

Green, Chas. Wf. Nettie; ch. Samuel, May, Martha, Nora, Mabel, Maud, Lillie. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 5. R. 317.59 ac., sec. 2. (2.) Owner, Joe Spotke.

Grothe, John J. Wf. Anna; ch. Melvin, Dillan. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 280 ac., sec. 23, R. 320 ac., sec. 24. (15.) Owner, John Schuette.

Guhlke, Ernest. Wf. Emelia; ch. Gustaf, Emil, Agnes, Ernest. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 76.26 ac., sec. 28; O. 120 ac., sec. 21. (25.)

Harbison, Rufus. Wf. Katie; ch. Eva, Joseph, Edna, Howard, Clarence, Pearl, Floyd, Glenn. P.O. Creighton, R. 1. O. 320 ac., sec. 35; R. 100 ac., sec. 34. (16.) Owner, C. S. Whitham.

Harrison, Olney. Wf. Rosa; ch. Wm. H., Elmo 0., Rosa D., Kenneth O. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 14; R. 160 ac., sec. 11. (10.) Owner, Elvira Harrison.

Jacobsen, Jacob. Wf. Florence; ch. Carsten. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 15. (3.) Owner, W. Graves.

Johnson, Geo. Wf. Bessie; ch. Joy. P.O. Center. R. 123.50 ac., sec. 7; R. 200 ac., sec. 18. (24.) Owner, Chas. E. Samson.

Johnson, Lars. Wf. Signa; ch. Walter, Lilly, Linnea. P.O. Creighton, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 36. (10.)

Kersting, August. Wf. Mary; ch. Christena, John, Rose, Katie, Fred, Margaret, Elizabeth, Helen, Bernard, Mary. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 5. O. 160 ac., sec.1; O. 80 ac., sec. 2. (20.)

Kinney, Will. Wf. Emma; ch. Farnam, Herbert. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 14; 0. 80 ac., sec. 23. (27.) Breeder of Hampshire Hogs.

Klingforth, Edw. G. C. Wf. Mary; ch. John, Lena, Mike, Julia. P.O. Bloomfield, Star Route. O. 160.50 ac., sec. 5. (19.)

Koskovich, Joe. Wf. Gertrude; ch. Margaret, Everett. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 280 ac., sec. 23; R. 40 ac., sec. 26. (4.) Owner, John E. Hamil.

Kriz, Josef. Wf. Margaret; ch. Raymond, Lloyd. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 5. R. 157.96 ac., sec. 1. (29.) Owner, Wm. Rosenbach.

Larson, C. L. Wf. Annie; ch. Fern H. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 10. (27.) Owner, Peter Larson.

Larson, Harry A. Wf. Tracy; ch. Ella, Mildred, Merle. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 9. (27.) Owner, W. R. Ellis.

Larson, P. S. Wf. Hilda. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 10. (26.) Owner, Peter Larson.

Luckert, Geo. Wf. Anna; ch. Lizzie, Evelyn, Richard, Chester, John, Bessie. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 15. (28.) Breeder of Scotch Top Short Horn Cattle. Owner, Edward Renard.

Luckert, John C. Wf. Julia; ch. George, Herman, Lillie, Julia, Rudolph, Bertha, Oscar, Elsie, Anna, Loal. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 460 ac., sec. 20; O. 80 ac., sec. 17. (42.)

Luckert, Rudolph. Wf. Emma; ch. Phillip, Lester. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 32. (36.)

McClain, John. Wf. Louise; ch. Raymond, Jessie. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 5. R. 160 ac., sec. 1. (3.) Owner, Wm. H. Stageman.

McFarlane, Albert. Wf. Dora; ch. Chester, Louis, Albert, Dessie, Clarence, Herman, Wallace, George, Grace. P.O. Bloomfiefild, R. 2. R. 280 ac., sec. 8; R. 40 ac., sec. 7; R. 280 ac., sec. 9; R. 80 ac., sec. 5. (8.) Owners, Floyd Vanvalin, C. H. Ward and H. Tulleys.

McManus, E. F. Wf. Elizabeth; ch. Loretta. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 240 ac., sec. 22; R. 160 ac., sec. 21; R. 80 ac., sec. 15. (27.) Owner, Geo. Kane.

Miles, Elmer L. Wf. Ruth; ch. Elsie, Lindel, Verna. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 280 ac., sec. 33. (29.)

Moeller, D. Wf. Bertha; ch. Helen. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 28; O. 160 ac., sec. 29. (29.)

Moeller, Jacob. Wf. Eva. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 32. (27.)

Neifert, Mrs. Daniel Ch. Henry, Rose, Belle, Mary, Pierce, James. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 34. (30.)

Neifert, James. Wf. Clara; ch. Lloyd, Frank, Jessie, Clint, Daniel. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 26. (38.)

Nelson, E. A. Wf. Engery; ch. Douglas, Henry, Helma, Ethel, Walter, Lyle, Clefort, Esther. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 33. (17.)

Neville, Clarence A. Wf. Elsie; ch. Dewight. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 240 ac., sec. 27. (26.) Owners, Otto Cruegman and Sam Funk.

O'Donnell, John M. Wf. India; ch. Elizabeth, Harlin, John, Hugh, Everett, Severt. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 13; R. 160 ac., sec. 14; R. 160 ac., sec. 24; R. 160 ac., sec. 12. (39) Owner, John O'Donnell.

Olson, Elias. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 120 ac., sec. 26. (35.)

Overholt, Ray. Wf. Agnes; ch. Lucile, Evelyn, Lyle, Marjorie. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 238.05 ac., sec. 14. (23.) Owner, W. P. McDowell.

Prominski, Frank. Wf. Caroline; ch. Ollie, Milton, Willis, Bernice, Morton. P.O. Center. R. 43.15 ac., sec. 19; R. 214.60 ac., sec. 18, and in Valley Prec., R. 80 ac., sec. 13. (21.) Owner, E. B. Nelson.

Roberts, Hans. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 4; O. 80 ac., sec. 3. (37.)

Rohwer, Hans H. Wf. Christena; ch. Matta, Arthur, Ed., Alfred, Helen, Galdys. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 13. (24.)

Rose, Lusetta B. Ch. Bertha, Herman, Edna, Everett, Lawrence, Amelia, Arthur. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 27; R. 80 ac., sec. 22; R. 40 ac., sec. 28; R. 40 ac., sec. 21. (15.) Owner, D. Granger.

Rust, J. E.Wf. Mary; P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 3; R. 40 ac., sec. 4. (6.) Owner, Hans Roberts.

Ryan, John G. Wf. Ellen; ch. William J. P.0 Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 33. (10.)

Sawall, Albert.P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 31. (18.) Owner, F. A. Blakeman.

Schaller, Adolph. Ch. John, Will. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 320 ac., sec. 36. (28.)

Schaller, John. Wf. Iona; ch. Bernice. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 36. (28.) Owner, Adolph Schaller.

Schaller, Wm. Wf. Maggie; ch. Alta. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 13. (27.) Owner, H. J. Sempers, (Lease).

Schanost, Andrew. Wf. Eleanora. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 11. (17.)

Schulz, Karl. Wf. Sophie; ch. Louisa H. P.O. Bloomfield, Star Route. O. 158.12 ac., sec. 2. (1.)

Sigler, Geo. Wf. Christena; ch. Dean. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 98 ac., sec. 12. (24.) Owner, John O'Donnell, (Leased).

Smith, Alfred. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 26. (16.) Owner, P. S. Smith.

Smith, G. P. Ch. Minnie, Maggie, Alfred, William, Bessie. P.O. Bloomfield. R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 26. (16.)

Sternberg, Fred. Wf. Josephine; ch. Eleanora, Lillian, Josephine, Annie, Marie. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 320 ac., sec. 25. (18.)

Swanson, Chas. A. Wf. Marie; ch. Tecla, Mildred, Allen, Earl, Bernice. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (22.)

Tucker, John W. Wf. Sarah; ch. Almond, Orvile. P.O. Bloomfield, Star Route. O. 80.37 ac., sec. 3. (36.)

Turner, Alden. Wf. Katie; ch. Denny, Bennie, Ruby, Mildred, Gladys, Glenn. P.O. Creighton, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 32, and in Cleveland Prec., O. 80 ac., sec. 5. (15.)

Turner, D. W. Wf. Bertha; ch. Maxine. P.O. Creighton, R. 1. R. 80 ac., sec. 31; R. 40 ac., sec. 32. (12.) Owner, Lindsey.

Vaughn, W.Wf. Paulina; ch. Ella, Frank, John, Orpha, Theodore, Alice. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 17; O. 320 ac., sec. 8. (22.)

Vipperman, A. J. Wf. Eva; ch. Agnes, Luella, Virgie. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 3; O. 160 ac., sec. 34. (1.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs. Owner, E. Manke.

Ward, Chas. A. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 9. (37.)

Wenke, Herman. Wf. Louisa; ch. Chas., Henry, Reka, Walter, Emma, Everett, Herman. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 16; O. 80 ac., sec. 15. (21.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs.

Witt, Wm. Wf. Friedericka; ch. Laura, Albert. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 29; O. 40 ac., sec. 30; O. 40 ac., sec. 32. (32.)

Woods, Alfred. Wf. Christena; ch. Lena, Robert, George, Mary, Emma, Chas., Caroline. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 5. O. 160 ac., sec. 12. (35.)

Woods, Geo. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 5. R. 160 ac., sec. 12. (27.) Owner, Alfred Woods.

Woods, R. Wf. Fern; ch. Kenneth. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 321.50 ac., sec. 5. (28.) Owner, Otto Brugman.

Young, Adam. Wf. Retta; ch. John, Jean, Rolland, Arthur, Baby. P.O. Bloomfield, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 10. (7.) Owner, W. W. Young.

Ziegler, Art. Wf. Emma; ch. Rex, Henry, Frank, Dale, Arthur, Elizabeth. P.O. Bloomfield, Star Route. O. 323 ac., sec. 4, and in Harrison Prec., O. 80 ac., sec. 33. (1.) Breeder of Hereford Cattle and Duroc Jersey Hogs.