Knox County, Nebraska
A Free Service of the Nebraska GenWeb Project

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1912 Compendium
1920 Atlas
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Email & Site Design:

Jacquelyn Romberg
Thomas Risinger

1920 Atlas of Knox County, Nebraska
Knox County, Nebraska

Knox Co. Map (958k) | Knox Co. Map Cities (328k) | Nebraska Map (795k)

Please note: All maps are large jpg files and will take several minutes to load. I would suggest that you save them to your hard drive if you plan on looking at them again in the near future. The file size is in red.

Disclaimer: Part of these pages were typed in and the rest were scanned. I am sure there are some typing mistakes. There is always the OCR errors with the look alike characters. There was also a number of miss spelled names and places in the atlas. Those were NOT corrected.

Bohemia | Map (777k) Herrick | Map (1,552k) Santee | Map (768k)
Central | Map (796k) Hill | Map (854k) Spade | Map (803k)
Cleveland | Map (839k) Jefferson | Map (805k) Sparta | Map (825k)
Columbia | Map (816k) Lincoln | Map (859k) Union | Map (859k)
Creighton | Map (1,066k) Logan | Map (855k) Valley | Map (997k)
Dolphin | Map (786k) Miller | Map (771k) Verdigre | Map (858k)
Dowling | Map (837k) Morton | Map (873k) Walnut Grove | Map (894k)
Eastern | Map (840k) Niobrara | Map (696k) Washington | Map (873k)
Frankfort | Map (760k) Peoria | Map (817k) Western | Map (819k)
Harrison | Map (815k) Raymond | Map (1,756k)