Resources and Look Ups |

Jacquelyn Romberg and Thomas Risinger are your host for this site. If you
have question or problems with the site please contact either or both of us.
Neither of us live in Knox County, but we do have some resources available.
If you have material to contribute to the site please contact us at Jacquelyn Romberg or Thomas
The following volunteers live in the county and do look-ups on time
available. Please thank them for their services.
Judy Carlson at glover@gpcom.net
Mary Pavlik at mlmaccormick@gmail.com
Gayle Neuhaus at gneuhaus@gpcom.net
Vicky Valenta: Vicky will help with Santee Indian ancestry.
Please Note: On occasion, it may be necessary to copy and mail
information the "old fashion" way. The volunteers may ask for postage
and copying cost for this.
Please visit the off site locations listed below for
other information about Knox County. Use your browsers back button to
return to this page.