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Compendium of
History, Reminiscence and Biography of Nebraska, 1912 |

Compendium of
History, Reminiscence and Biography of Nebraska, 1912
The following individuals are included in
the biographies. To see more go to the
Anderson, Carl A.
Ayers, John
Baggstrom, John E.
Bagley, E. S.
Ballantyne, John A.
Balleweg, Wm.
Barker, Joseph H.
Barnes, Dr. E. M.
Bayha, Geo. and Ben
Benda, Anton
Benner, Chr. G.
Block, William
Bolter, Fred
Brookhouser, William
Brown, John D.
Bruegman, Frank F.
Bruns, Frederick
Buckmaster, T. J.
Buhrow, John (L' Eau Qui Court)
Burghardt, George
Busbelman, Anton
Butterfield, Justus
Campbell, N. G.
Carlson, N. P.
Carpenter, Frederic
Carroll, Joseph
Chambers, George W.
Chicken, Allen
Chindvall, John
Clark, Thomas M.
Crooks, George H.
Dana, Byron H.
Delaney, John
Doane, Halsey A.
Downie, Hector
Drobny, Anton
Dwinell, John
Ege, Leopold
Eggert, Louis
Etter, Frank
Ewing, Joseph
Fosterman, William
Frymire, William B.
Garvie, James
Gillham, Evan L.
Graham, William
Grant, John
Greckel, Fred
Greiner, P. J.
Griffin, Mrs. Pat
Grim, W. D.
Groeling, Herman
Gunderson, Guennes
Hafner, Detlef
Hafner, H. C.
Hafner, John
Hajek, Frank
Hammerback, J. P. |
Hanefeldt, August
Hansen, Frank B.
Happel, August
Harper, George W.
Harris, R. H. "Bert"
Harrsch, E. A.
Hazen, Dr. Wm.
Hengstler, Andrew
High, B. Y.
Holecek, J. V.
Horstmann, Christ
Huffman, James G.
Huigens, John
Hunt, Oscar F.
Ickler, John
James, George C.
Jenkenson, B.
Jewell, William P.
Johnson, F. A.
Johnson, L. J.
Johnson, T. C.
Joll, Francis
Kaczor, Fred
Kalal, John
Kammer, John
Keller, Judge Calvin
Kelley, A. J.
Kellogg, Charles E.
Kimball, H. J.
Kirk, W. L. Koster, George G. (not
Kripner, Anton
Kruse, Fred
Kuehl, Eggert
Kurka, Joseph
Kyriss, Fred
Ladd, J. W.
Lantis, Charles
Larson , F. A.
Lawrence, Mell
LeBlanc, Gustav A.
Lenger, Frank H.
Lenger, John J. ?
Lindsay, James A.
Lindwurm, George
Loebel, C. D.
Loftus, Mike
Luckert, John C.
Lyon, C. A.
Manke, Albert A.
Marshall, Fred C.
McClintock, Frank
McCoy, J. B.
McNamara, Rev. J. G. (Jackson)
Meikle, John
Menkins, J. H.
Mischke, John M.
Mott, George F. |
Needham, W. H.
Nelson, Charles
Nelson, Frank
Nippell, Charles A.
Novacek, Frank
O'Donnell, John
O'Malley, Patrick
Oberle, Nick
Olson, Andrew
Olson, Peter
Ondracek, J. M.
Opocensky, Fred
Packard, Sanford
Pangborn, Charles D.
Perrine, E.
Peterson, Erick
Pflueger, Fred
Phillips, E. C.
Pischel, E. L.
Prokop, V. J.
Reid, Amenzo T.
Renner, Ignatz
Rohe, Henry
Ruden, Charles
Sawyer, John W.
Scheer, Ernest
Schindler, Otto
Schnell, Fritz
Schuett, August
Seger, Frank O.
Skalberg, J. A.
Skokan, Louis F.
Smith, F. B.
Squires, Wilbur G.
Stahl, Julius C.
Stark, S. A.
Steinbach, T. B.
Stoural, Thomas
Strain, William H.
Strope, W. W.
Sukup, A. W.
Sweet, Charles A.
Tichy, Frank
Tichy, Joseph F.
Trenhaile, Richard. H.
Trenhaile, W. S.
Uehling, Fred
Van Camp, William
Van Kleek, G. E.
Van Pelt, Wiley E.
Vlasnik, Vaclav
Wagner, John and Matt.
Weatherby, Edmund P.
Weigand, Frank
Weigand, Leonard
Whitmore, Sylvanus. L.
Wirth, Joseph F.
Wlna, Lewis |