Email & Site Design:
Welcome to the Knox County Nebraska GenWeb Project. Your coordinators for this county are
Jacquelyn Romberg
and Thomas Risinger. While neither of us live in the county, we
do have some resources available. There are also several volunteers
that live in the county that will do research as time permits.
For more information, or if you have information you would like to see on this site,
please visit the Resource Page.
Knox County Location Knox County is located in northeastern Nebraska. Its
neighbors are the State of South
Dakota to the north,
County to the east,
County to the southeast,
County to the southwest,
County to the west, and
County to the north northwest.
Search Knox
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NEGenWeb Project
Knox County History
From Andreas' History of Knox County, 1882
Knox County was organized by the Territorial Legislature in
1857, and named L'Eau Qui Court, that being the French name for
the river named by the Indians Niobrara--both names meaning, in
English, Running Water. The name was changed to Knox by a
statute passed February 21, 1873, which took effect April 1,
Andreas' History of Nebraska
Searching for ancestors that may have been in Nebraska
before 1882? Here is the best place to look on line. Volunteers have typed and put on line the entire two volumes of Andreas'
History of Nebraska. You will find more
history of Knox County, including lots of surnames. Please
visit the Andreas site:
Andreas' 1884 History of Nebraska on line
Check the
Compendium of History,
Reminiscence and Biography of Nebraska, 1912 for biographies of your ancestors.
See an
map of Knox County, Nebraska (find obsolete places).
About the NEGenWeb Project
NEGenWeb was formed June 15, 1996, when Dale
Schneider created the Nebraska Genealogy Project as a part of the USGenWeb Genealogy
Project. At that time, there was very little available on the web for those who were
researching genealogy in Nebraska. Over the next year, volunteers were recruited to
coordinate the web pages for each county. These volunteers were willing to coordinate the
collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the county web pages, which
would include listing information on where to look in that county for genealogical
research. Contact the volunteer shown on the county page if you have a desire to help or
add your data to the database. You may notice a message on a county page indicating it is
available for adoption. If you would like to adopt one of these counties, please contact
the current coordinator of the page, whose name is listed on their county site, or the
State Coordinator.
Knox County Coordinators:
Jacquelyn Romberg
Thomas Risinger
Note: If you are not able to contact Jacquelyn
or Thomas, the Knox County coordinators, use this address.
It may take a little longer to receive a response. Be sure
to include NEGenWeb Project in the subject line.
Contact Info:
David Gochenour:
State Coordinator
Matthew Friend:
Assistant State Coordinator
USGenWeb Project
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files to help get you started, find free web space to put
your pages, lots of links for graphics and backgrounds you
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state mailing lists and lots of other help. - Visit the
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This page last updated on: 6 Aug 2018
Site designed by John McCoy, Jacquelyn Romberg, and Thomas Risinger