Anderson. O. W. Wf. Ellen; ch. Leverne, Medill. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 13; O. 160 ac., sec. 6. (20.) Owner, Euna C. Anderson.
Angster, Carl. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 11. (7.) Owner, Frank W. Angster.
Binuck, Willie. Wf. Ella. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 30. (4.) Owner, August Blunck.
Broemer, Ludwig. Wf. Attelea; ch. Louis, Elizabeth, Walter, Willie, Alfred, Renhard. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 29. (11) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs. Owner, Fred Hansen.
Brown, Alex. Wf. Jessie; ch. Alice, Barbara, Jessie, James. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 24. (2.) Owner, Cora A. Middlekauff.
Brundl, John. Wf. Francis; ch. Frank, John, Nick, Albert, Alvin, George, Mary, Lena, Dora, Elsie, Elander. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 16. (30.)
Buhrman, Will. Wf. Matilda; ch. Martin, Carl, Emma, Walter. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 22. Breeder of Holstein Cattle.
Bumann, Amil. Wf. Alvina; ch. Chester. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 240 ac., sec. 26. (26.) Owner, Jochim Bumann.
Bumann, Julius. Wf. Olga; ch. Wilma, Marion, Merril. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 240 ac., sec. 26. (25.) Owner, Jochim Bumann.
Collier, R. E. Wf. Mable; ch. Hazel, Sylvia, Ruth, Helen. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 8, R. 160 ac., sec. 6. (20.)
Owner, Ed. Renard.
Dibbert, Henry. Wf. Mary; ch. August, Albert, George, Minnie, Emil, Freda, Herman, Matilda. P. O. Osmond, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec.
Diedrichsen, F. W. Wf. Anna; ch. Harry, Leonard. P. O. Creighton, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 18. (22.) Owner, Peter Diedrichsen.
Dietz, E. M. Sister Marie. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 31. (26.) Owner, Morltz Dletz.
Dietz, Moritz. Wf. Mary; ch. Moritz, Esther, Marie, Herman, Ella. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 318.68 ac., sec. 18. (35.)
Doerr, Leonard. Wf. Lena; ch. Hilda, Mable. P. O. Creighton, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 19. (20.) Owner, Philip Doerr.
Eckstromi, Ed. E. Wf. Margaret; ch. Elmer, Rose, Gladys. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 19. (10.) Owner, Gillman Land
Ellingson, E. A. Wf. Edna; ch. Helen, Vernol, P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 2. (35.) Owner, E. P. Lingren.
Gieselman, August. Wf. Lizzie; ch. Henry, Emma, Ada, Elsie. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 19. (31.)
Haba, Joe. Wf. Katherine; ch. George, Bessle, Barney, Lillie, Libby, Elsie. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 22. (20.) Owner, Warwich Land Co.
Hansen, Hans. Wf. Dora; ch. Anna, John, Gertie, Max, Nick. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 320 ac., sec, 36. (1.) Owner, Grace V. Renard Est.
Hansen, Hans. ch. Rudolph, Emma, Gerhard. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 32. (18.)
Hansen, Harm. Wf. Minnie; ch. George, Lewy, Roy, Ernest, Rose, Mamie, Adolph, Johnnie, Anna. P. O. Plainview, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 32. (18.)
Hanson Bros. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 480 ac., sec. 16. (18.) Owner, Andrew W. Hanson.
Hladik, E. J. Wf. Alice; ch. Mildred, Adelade, Russell, Elizabeth, Robert. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 29. (9.)
Hoffart, Michael. ch. Carl, Lewy, Harry, Hugo, Freda, Ernest, Ben. P. O. Osmond, R. 1. O. 320 ac., sec. 33; O. 80 ac., sec. 32. (20.)
Hoppe, Fred. Wf. Minnie; ch. Elsie, Elmer, Walter, Earl, Ervin. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 22. (28.) Owner, Ehler Hoppe.
Hoppe, Wm. Wf. Mary; ch. Albert, Milda, Edna. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 23. (28.) Owner, Ehler Hoppe.
Jeffrey, W. M. Wf. Mary; ch. George, Wilton, Lizzie, Nancy, Mamie, Daisy, Minnie, John. P. O. Plainview, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 31. (15.) Owner, Joe Pospeil.
Johnson, A. V. Wf. Emily; ch. Ivel, Vinton, Byron, Viola. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 14. (17.) Breeder of Short Horn Cattle and Duroc Jersey Hogs. Owner, Joseph Hall.
Johnson, David. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 320 ac., sec. 36. (18.) Owner, Frank C. Lyon.
Johnson, Emil O. Wf. Clara; ch. Geneva, Larry, Irene, Alice, Viola. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 35. (25.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs. Owner, Gus Krohn.
Johnson, Joseph B. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 320 ac., sec. 28. (18.) Owner, L. J. Johnson.
Johnson, Joe. H. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 24. (25.) Owner, Frank A. Johnson.
Johnson, L. J. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. O., 320 ac., sec. 28. (18.)
Johnson, Theo. C. Wf. Edna May; ch. Bernice, Reuhl, Milburn, Rayfield, Beatrice. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 400 ac., sec. 1. (18.) Owner, Guy J. Dart.
Ketter, Geo. ch. Francis, George, Morris, Tracy, Joseph, Katherine. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 17. (2.) Owner, Maragret A. Lyon.
Koller, Joseph. P. O. Osmond, R. 1. H. 160 ac., sec. 30. (6.) Owner, Win. Blunck.
Krohm, Gus. Wf. Augusta; ch. Ida, Anga, Dora, August, Otto. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (15.)
Krugman, Carl. Wf. Arolicee; ch. Otto, Albert, Walter. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 19; R. 160 ac., sec. 20. (30.) Owner, Hope Goddard Iselin.
Kuld, Henry. Wf. Elsie; ch. Leonard, Dorothy, Maurice, Everett, Herbert. P. O. Plainview, R. 1. O. 321.52 ac., sec. 31. (14.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs, Buff Rock Chickens and Hereford Cattle. "Evergreen Stock Farm."
Kuhlman, Win. Wf. Mary; ch. Ted, Clara, Ella, Willie, Flora, Arthur, Ernest. P. O. Creighton, R. 1. O. 156.97 ac., sec. 6; O. 160 ac., sec. 7. (23.)
Kumm, August F. Wf. Louise. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. 0. 160 ac., sec. 34. (3.)
Kumm, Emil A. Wf. Anna; ch. Alta, Elmer. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. O. 160 ac., sec. 33. (6.)
Lange, Edward. Wf. Kate; ch. Gertrude, Henry. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 5; O. 160 ac., sec. 27 in Miller Prec. (1.)
Leuenhagen, August J. Wf. Valene; ch. Kathrine, Withar, Rose, Pearl, Francis. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (30.)
Lindquist, A. G. Wf. Minnie; ch. Grace, Ival, Sherman, Frank. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 13. (24.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs.
Lindstrom, F. E. Mother Katherine. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 15. (11.) Owner, Gillman Land Co.
Lingel, Mrs. Thos. ch. Leon. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 11. (20.)
Lingren, Ernest. Wf. Eva; ch. Evangelyn, Kathryn. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 3. (26.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs Owner, E. P. Lingren.
Lynn, J. J. Wf. Susan; ch. George, Arthur. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 21. (8.) Breeder of Short Horn Cattle. Owners, O. B., C. B. and N. B. Johnson.
Magnuson, Gust. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 17. (3) Owner, Albert Olson.
Manning, Otto. Wf. Minnie; ch. Lila, Forest. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 14. (16.) Breeder of Hampshire Hogs. Owner, Beverly Land Co.
Moehlenhoff, John. Wf. Elizabeth; ch. Herman, Henry, Willie, Anna. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 320 ac., sec. 4. (20.)
Nelson, Charles. Wf. Amanda; ch. Arthur, Pearl, Clifford, Verna, Anna, Ernest, Clarence. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. O. 160 ac., sec. 23; O. 160 ac., sec. 24. O. 320 ac., sec. 25. (8.)
Nelson, Chas. H. Wf. Hilma; ch. Elna, Eliza. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 12, and in Lincoln Prec., O. 40 ac., sec. 7. (11.)
Nelson, Fritz C. Wf. Elizabeth; ch. Linnea. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 23. (9.) Owner, Bernice Krause.
Nelson, Otto. Wf. Mable; ch. Duen. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 10 ac., sec. 9; H. 160 ac., sec. 10. (16.) Owner, Swan Nelson.
Nelson, Swan. Wf. Anna; ch. Myrtle, Hilda, Nels, Helen. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 80 ac., sec. 9; O.160 ac., sec. 10. (13.)
Olson, Albert. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 320 ac., sec. 20; O. 160 ac., sec. 17. (1.) Owner, Giliman Land Co.
Olson, John L. Wf. Sophia; ch. Ethel, Harry, Walter, Paul, Astrid, Theodore, Florence. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 320 ac., sec. 21. (14.) Owners, Aug. Lipke Est. and J. T. Colves.
Peters, H. E. Wf. Maeta; ch. Clara, Velma, Morris. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 2. (18.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs and Short Horn Cattle. Owners, Herman Peters.
Peters, Herman F. Wf. Amelia. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 24. (18.) Owner, D. W. Peters.
Peterson, Erick. Wf. Ellen. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 120 ac., sec. 11. (10.) Owner, Per Person.
Pospil, James. Wf. Carrie; ch. Chas., Aviel, Lillian, Marie, Vivian. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 17; O. 240 ac., sec. 8. (20.)
Reiners, Geo. Wf. Laura; ch. Lena, Alice, Martin. P. O. Creighton, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 7. (17.) Owners, P. D. and F. W. Diedrickson.
Bodeik, John. Wf. Hanna; ch. Freda, Elmer, Emma, Dora, Lucile. P. O. Wausa. R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 29. (6.)
Roseberg, N. A. Wf. Nellie. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. H. 160 ac., sec. 22; R. 80 ac., sec. 15. (12.) Owner, Johnson Bros.
Samuelson, Adolph. Wf. Hulda; ch. Ralph, Adolph, Morris. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 3. (11.)
Schernist, Andrew. Wf. Ann; ch. Tony, Daniel, Frank, Lewis. P. O. Creighton, R. 1. O. 155.94 ac., sec. 6. (17.)
Schlote, L. A. Wf. Anna; ch. Arnold, Elsie. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 150 ac., sec. 7. (19.) Owner, Edward W. Schlote Est.
Schlote, Raymond E. P. O. Creighton, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 7. (19.) Owner, Edward W. Schlote Est.
Schultz, Otto. Wf. Anna; ch. Elnora, Edna. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 5. (18.)
Schulz, Rev. Jos. Wf. Emily; ch. Gotthold, Caroline, Paul, Otto, Ada, Edwin, Ervin, Ametia, Benjamin, Emily. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. Live in sec. 22. (10.)
Skoglund, P. J. Wf. Anna; ch. Roy, Carl, Morris, Jennie, Ethel, Iva. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. O. 160 ac., sec. 12. (27.)
Skoglund, Sidney O. Wf. Ellen; ch. Adeline. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 23. Owner, Erick Reisness.
Springe, Emil. Wf. Gusta; ch. Doran, Harry, Mattie, Lillie. P. O. Osmond, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 34. (10.)
Swanson, Gustaf. Wf. Blenda; ch. Clarence, Arthur, Enoc, Eveline. P. O. Wausa R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 35. (30.) Owners, Cook and Renard.
Swanson, Oscar T. Wf. Hilda. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 160 ac., sec. 9. (30.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs. Owner, John Lynn.
Tyler, A. L. Wf. Hilda; ch. Inis, Irene. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 320 ac., sec. 22. (6.)
Wangstrom, Oscar. Wf. Tillie. P. O. Wausa, R. 2. R. 80 ac., sec. 12. (9.) Owner, Peter Bengston.
Watson, Thos. Wf. Agnes; ch. Fern. P. O. Wausa, R. 3. R. 160 ac., sec. 27. (1.) Owner, Butterfield Land Co.