Knox County, Nebraska
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1920 Atlas of Knox County, Nebraska
Knox County, Nebraska

Farmer's Directory of Jefferson Precinct
1920 Atlas, Knox County, Nebraska
(The Anderson Pub'l. Co., Page 54)

Transcribed by: Tom & Debra Risinger

Abbreviations: Wf., wife; ch., children; O., owner; R., renter; ac., acres; sec., section; ( ), years in county.

Achenbach, Albert. Wf. Lena; ch. Lester, Clarence, Bernard. P. O. Winnetoon. R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 36. (35.)

Achenbach, Henry. Ch. Elsie, Sarah, Cecelia, Royal, Joseph, Albert, Clara, Nettie. P. O. Winnetoon, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 36. (35.)

Balleweg, John J. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 33; O. 120 ac., sec. 29. (26.)

Belohlavy, Stev. Wf. Jennie; ch. Agnes, Lumir, Elsie. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 5. (1.)

Benner, Gus. Wf. Anna; ch. Sophie, Floyd, Alvin. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 160 ac., sec. 17; O. 80 ac., sec. 16. (38.)

Broz, Joe. Wf. Julia; ch. Lebbie. P. O. Verdlgre. R. 160 ac., sec. 25; R. 160 ac., sec. 26. (17.) Owner, P. Sedvig.

Burghardt, Andrew, Wf. Ida; ch. Margory. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 32. (35.) Breeder of High Grade Poland China Hogs.

Burghardt, Joe. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 28. (32.)

Caulfield, Andrew. Wf. Hulda; ch. Lloyd, Susie, Mary, Herbert, Walter, Lottie, Gilbert, Andrew. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 21. (35.) Breeder of Black Pole Cattle and Poland China Hogs. "Central Valley Stock Farm."

Caulfield, G. L. Wf. Alma; ch. Clarence, Della. P. O. Walnut, Star Route. O. 80 ac., sec. 20, O. 16 ac., sec. 17. (35.)

Caulfield, R. J. P. O. Walnut, Star Route. O. 160 ac., sec. 20. (35.)

Caulfield, Terrance. Wf. Nettie; ch. Margaret, James, Gregory, Terrance, John. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 20. (40.)

Cernousek, Joseph. Ch. Bessie, Frank, Mary. Mother Mary. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 17. (37.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs.

Chocholonsek, Ed. Wf. Emily; ch. Evelyn, P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 320 ac., sec. 15. (31.) Owner, Anton Chocolousek.

Chocholonsek, Jos. B. Wf. Bessie; ch. Martha, August. P. O. Verdigre. Star Route. O. 153.92 ac., sec. 18. (30.)

Davey, M. M. Wf. Emma; ch. Ernie, Ivan, Vernon. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 320 ac., sec. 13, and in Verdigre Prec., O. 39.95 ac., sec. 18. (28.)

Divi, Joseph. Wf. Josephine; ch. Adolph, Joe, Helen, Albina, Ed. P. O. Verdigre, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 2. (38.)

Dwinell, Geo. M. , Wf. Francis; ch. Eunice, Marquis, Morris, Frank, Merle, Martin, Bernice, Everett, Paul. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 160 ac., sec. 15. (3.) Owner, John Dwinell.

Elwood, C. S. Wf. Ruth; ch. Gena. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 80 ac., sec. 20; R. 160 ac., sec. 18. (1.) Owner, Chris. Larson.

Frank, Frank. Wf. Francis; ch. Annie, Frank, Mary, Paulina, Lewis, George, Rose, Helen, John, Ed., Clara, Francis. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 240 ac., sec. 8. (14.)

Groeling, H. G. Wf. Mary. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 395.60 ac., sec. 30. (30.)

Hauzilk, Frank J. Wf. Rose; ch. Frank, Joe. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 160 ac., sec. 12; R. 320, ac., sec. 11. (9.) Owners, Francisca and Vac Vecera.

Hoferer, John. Wf. Mary; ch. Irma, Laura, Harry, John, Florence, Linda, Clarence, Gladys. P. O. Verdigre. O. 280 ac., sec. 26; O. 160 ac., sec. 23. (39.) Breeder of White O. I. C. Hogs.

Jelinek, Joe J. Wf. Emma; ch. Ernest. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 157.85 ac., sec. 31. (17.)

Jensen, Carl. Ch. Karlia R., C. Erick, Claudina L., Lars L. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 160 ac., sec. 13. (4.) Owner, Pet Linquist.

Jiracek, Albert. Wf. Albina; ch. Edward, Leon, Charlie. P. O. Verdigre. O. 160 ac., sec. 15; O. 160 ac., sec. 14; O. 160 ac., sec. 23. (33.) Cattle Feeder. "Alberts' Place."

Jiracek, Joe. Wf. Milada; ch. Eleanora. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 160 ac., sec. 8; O. 15 ac., sec. 5. (32.) Breeder of Short Horn Cattle and Poland China Hogs. "Pleasant Bottom Farm."

Jochum, Louis. Wf. Anna; ch. Albert, Helen, Addla, Raymond. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 160 ac., sec. 16; R. 160 ac., sec. 9. (5.) Owner, Adolph Kyriss.

King, Ivan W. Wf. Margaret; ch. Marjorie A., John IL, Ivan B. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 320 ac., sec. 33; R. 80 ac., sec. 34; O. 80 ac., sec. 32; O. 240 ac., sec. 31, and in Logan Prec., O. 79.46 ac., sec. 5. (16.) Owner, Peter Richling Estate.

Kodet, Chas. B. Wf. Christa, P. O. Verdigre, R. 1. O. 160.98 ac., sec. 3. (32.)

Konopasek, Frank. Wf. Katherine; ch. Frank, Charles, Olga, Anton, Willie, Leo, Helen, Erma. P. O. Verdigre. O. 160 ac., sec. 25. (4.)

Kotrous, August V. Wf. Anna; ch. Helen, Marvin. P. O. Verdigre. O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (17.)

Kotrous, Vac. Wf. Agnes; ch. Elmer, Evelyn. P. O. Verdigre. O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (17.)

Kves, Frank. Wf. Emma; ch. Evelyn. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 160 ac., sec. 10; R. 80 ac., sec. 3. (10.) Owner, Frank J. Nedorost.

Larson, Christ. Wf. Anna; ch. Harley, Mary, Lenora, Albert, Malinda. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 80 ac.,sec. 20; O. 160 ac.,sec. 18; O. 80 ac.,sec. 27; O. 160 ac., sec. 28. (20.)

Linquist, Pit. Wf. Anna; ch. Mary, Emma, Hilda, Anna, Martha, Mabel, Nels, Alfred. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 160 ac., sec. 12; O. 160 ac., sec. 13. (18.)

Merritt, I. Wf. Melinda; ch. Thruman. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 40 ac., sec. 29; O. 120 ac., sec. 30. (39.) Owner, John W. Wibbard Estate.

Nelson, N. P. Wf. Emma; ch. Harley, Elsie, Leona, Fred, David, Arnold, Charlotta. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 320 ac., sec. 7; O. 160 ac., sec. 20; O. 160 ac., sec. 29. (35.) Breeder of Poland China Hogs and Short Horn Cattle.

Nike, Joe O. Wf. Franciska; ch. Joe F., Frank T., Mary. P. O. Walnut. R. 1. R. 240 ac., sec. 16. (7.) Owner, Nels Nelson.

Novacek, Albert. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 185 ac., sec. 5. (27.) Owner, Frank Novacek.

Novacek, Frank. Wf. Fannie; ch. Albert, Annie, Will, Mary. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 160 ac., sec. 7; O. 185 ac., sec. 5. (30.)

Novak, Louis. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 160 ac., sec. 9. (29.) Owner, Stephen Somer.

Pavlik, Albert A. Mother Katherine and father Vac. P. O. Verdigre. O. 244.85 ac., sec. 5. (28.)

Pavlik, John L. Wf. Albina; ch. Sedoina, Edward, Leonard. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 160 ac., sec. 4; O. 120 ac., sec. 9. (48.) Breeder of High Grade Red Pole Cattle and Poland China Hogs. "North Branch Stock Farm."

Pavlik, L. O. Wf. Mary; ch. John, Margie, Irene. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 200 ac., sec. 9. (36.) "Evergreen Stock Farm."

Rychtarik, Anton. Wf. Annie; ch. George, Stavy. P. O. Verdigre, R. 1. O. 121.55 ac., sec. 6; O. 41.15 ac., sec. 5, and in Bohemia Prec., O. 160 ac., sec. 19. (54.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs and High Grade Red Pole Cattle.

Skokan, Joseph. Wf. Francis; ch. Marie, Ruble. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 200 ac., sec. 26; O. 40 ac., sec. 34. (17.)

Sladek, John S. Wf. Julia A; ch. Ladik, Helen, Steve, Cecelia, George, Marie. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 21; O. 160 ac., sec. 28. (17.)

Sladek, Joseph W. Wf. Annie; ch. Mary, Joe, Thom, Henry. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 160 ac., sec. 16. (18.)

Somr, Anton. P. O. Verdlgre, Star Route. R. 120 ac., sec. 11; R. 200 ac., sec. 14. (13.) Owner, Fred Menke.

Somer, Frank. Wf. Katherine; ch. Anton, Joe, Frank, Vac, Mary, Anna, Julia. P. O. Verdigre. R. 320 ac., sec. 13. (13.) Owner, Man Davy.

Somer, Joe. Wf. August; ch. Iola. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. R. 160 ac., sec. 10. (27.) Owner, Joseph F. Somer.

Somer, Stephen. Wf. Carrie; ch. Emma, Lilly. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 160 ac., sec. 17; O. 160 ac., sec. 9. (28.)

Studeny, Fred. Wf. Rose. P. O. Verdigre, R. 280 ac., sec. 12. (22.) Owner, John Studeny.

Sucha, John. Wf. Libby; ch. Edward. P. O. Verdigre, Ri. O. 160 ac., sec. 25. (16.) Breeder of Black Langshang Chickens.

Sukup, Albert. Wf. Nellie; ch. Alvin. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 21; O. 160 ac., sec. 22. (26.)

Sukup, Andrew. Wf. Mary; ch. Joe, John, Andy, George, Albert, Henry, Lawrence, Francis, Clara, Emma, Martha, Laura. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 480 ac., sec. 27; O. 280 ac., sec. 34; O. 160 ac., sec. 22; O. 80 ac. sec. 32; and in Logan Prec., O. 80 ac., sec. 8; O. 80 ac., sec. 5. (45.)

Sukup, Frank W. Wf. Lena. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 32; O. 80 ac., sec. 28. (42.)

Sukup, George. Wf. Clara; ch. George, Marvin, Marion. P. O. Winnetoon, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 36. (33.)

Sukup, John. Wf. Julia; ch. Rose, Julia, John, Walter, Adolph. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 33 (37.) Breeder of Spotted Poland China Hogs.

Sukup, Jos. W. Wf. Lucy; ch. Leonard, Gertrude, Paul. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 320 ac., sec. 29. (37.)

Svoboda, Joseph. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 153.02 ac., sec. 7. (24.)

Tikalsky, Vac. Wf. Fannie; ch. Augusty, Emil, Helen, Elsie. P. O. Verdigre. O. 160 ac., sec. 24; O. 80 ac., sec. 13. (45.)

Tomasek, Anna. Ch. Joe, Mary, Anna, Julia, Bettie, George. P. O. Verdigre, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 4. (29.) Owner, Jos. Tomasek Estate.

Zerbe, Frank. Wf. Lenora; ch. Leonard, Ethel. P. O. Winnetoon, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 36. (26.) Owner, Henry Achenbach.

Zimmerer, A. Wf. Barbara; ch. Margaret, Edwin, Baby. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 34, and in Logan Prec., O. 159.40 ac., sec. 3. (2.)

Vecera, Frank J. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 120 ac., sec. 14; O. 40 ac., sec. 11. (30.)

Vondracek, John. Wf. Marie; ch. Emily, Victor, Victoria, George, Otto, Joseph, John. P. O. Verdigre. R. 640 ac., sec. 24. (6.) Owner, T. A. Tikaisky.

Wheeler, Sam. Mother Maggie. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 32. (27.) Owner, Maggie Wheeler.

Willis, Wm. R. Wf. Mary; ch. Arthur, Howard, Hazel. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 185.40 ac., sec. 6, and in Bohemia Prec., O. 80 ac., sec. 31, and in Washington Prec., O. 120 ac., sec. 36. (19.)

Winchell, Dick. Wf. Hilda. P. O. Verdigre. R. 320 ac., sec. 22; R. 320 ac., sec. 23; R. 160 ac., sec. 14. (25.) Owner, John Dwinell.

Winchell, W. P. Wf. Myrtle; ch. Wilbert, Oscar, May, Harv, Leonard, Francis, June, Alta, Pershing. P. O. Verdigre, Star Route. O. 40 ac., sec. 18; O. 40 ac., sec. 19. (35.)