Knox County, Nebraska
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1920 Atlas of Knox County, Nebraska
Knox County, Nebraska

Farmer's Directory of Walnut Grove Precinct
1920 Atlas, Knox County, Nebraska
(The Anderson Pub'l. Co., Page 52)

Transcribed by: Tom & Debra Risinger

Abbreviations: Wf., wife; ch., children; O., owner; R., renter; ac., acres; sec., section; ( ), years in county.

Barton, L. Wf. Nora; ch. Violet, Bernice, Teletha. P. O. Venus, Star Route. O. 120 ac., sec. 30. (1.)

Bauer, Michael, Wf. Mary; ch. Carrie, Francis, Mary, Mike, Joseph, Xver, Henry. P. O. Venus. O. 640 ac., sec. 36; O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (26.)

Beetzier, John C. Wf. Essie; ch. Ida, Ralph, Grace, Ruth, Evelyn. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 27. (6.)

Block, W. H. Wf. Augustan; ch. Aug., Anna, Willie, Herman, Friday, Fred, Bert, Erick, Selma. P. O. Walnut, Star Route. R. 100 ac., sec. 25. (12.) Owner, J. F. Greling.

Blackmore, Chas. Wf. Elsie; ch. Virgil. P. O. Orchard, Star Route. R. 159 ac., sec. 32. (2.) Owner, B. Ekholt.

Blackmore, T. E. Wf. Mary; ch. Viva, Ethel, Catherine, Juanita, John, Darrel, Eloit. P. O. Orchard, Star Route. R. 160 ac., sec. 33; R. 160 ac., sec. 32. (4.) Owner, Henry Munderholt.

Boelter, Alvin F. Wf. Edith; ch. Roy, Leonard Vera, Homer, Cecil, Reno, Jane, Boyd. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 23; O. 40 ac., sec. 22; O. 160 ac., sec. 27; O. 40 ac., sec. 26. (38.)

Boelter, Arthur J. Wf. Hattie; ch. Arthur, Albert, Evelyn, Ernest, Wayne. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 27. (34.)

Boham, James. Wf. Edna; ch. Marion, Bazil, Emira. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 280 ac., sec. 22. (8.) Owner, Chas. C. Cleveland.

Bolter, Aug. Wf. Bertha;, ch. Carl, Agnes, Wilma, Gladys. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 200 ac., sec. 3 6. (35.) Owner, John Bolter.

Bramon, W. E. Wf. Lillian; ch. Georgie, Elwood, Francis, Lorn. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 21; O. 160 ac., sec. 17 in Washington Prec. (20.) Owner, Geo. F. Mott.

Bright, H. R. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 2. (20.) Breeder of Short Horn Cattle and Chester White Hogs. Owner, Harry Bright.

Brookhouser, Wm. T. Wf. Leta; ch. Ralph, Iona, Earl, Hugh. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 25. (28.)

Butterfield, Elmer B. Wf. A. W.; ch. Ervin, Opel, Justis, Garnet, Fern. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 35. (30.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs and Red Poll Cattle. Owner Claud Foreman.

Butterfield, F. Wf. Alice; ch. J. F.., Ernest Z. G., Florence, Arthur, Hattie, Velma, Velvie, Lizzie, George, Lloyd. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 240 ac., sec. 35; O. 160 ac., sec. 15; and in Logan Prec., O. 160 ac., sec. 8. (41.)

Butterfield, Frank E. Wf. Harriett A.; ch. Chloe, Hazel, Lela, Edwin, Elsie, Floyd, Ada, Eunice, Thelma. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 35; O. 80 ac., sec. 26; O. 80 ac., sec. 22. (39.)

Butterfield, Glen B. Wf. Laura; ch. Erma. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 26; and in Jefferson Prec., R. 80 ac. (30.) Owner , Thomas A. Butterfield.

Butterfield, Geo. A. Wf. Ione; ch. Vernie. P. O. venus, R. 80 ac., sec. 35; R. 120 ac., sec. 35. (23.) Owners, Ernest and Frank Butterfield.

Butterfield, Guy. Wf. Beckie; ch. Matie, Harry, Minnie, Eldon, Almy, Melvin. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 29. (45.) Owner, Alexs and Ella W. Nelson.

Butterfield, Z. G. Wf. Josie; ch. Alvin, Effie. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O 163.32 ac., sec. 2; O. 120 ac., sec. 22. (41.)

Butler, Phoebe E. Ch. Lawrence, George, Robert, Otto, Mabel, Vernon. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 200 ac., sec. 9; O. 160 ac., sec. 10. , (15.)

Caskey, S. Wf. Lillian; ch. Johnson, Mary, Hattie, Harry, Ora, Sylvia, Jessie. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 360 ac., sec. 15. (19.)

Chicken, W. H. Wf. Leah; ch. Merril, Dorothy. P. O. Venus, R, 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 34; R. 81.73 ac., sec. 3. (30.) Owner, Allen Chicken.

Cook, Guy N. Wf. Hila; ch. Lora, Nellie, Wesley, Alvin, Almira, Jessie, Harley. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 163.30 ac., sec. 3. (41.)

Cook, William G. Wf. May; ch. Orvel, Bessie, Lela, Grace, Gladys. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 26; O. 40 ac., sec. 22. (34.)

Davis, D. M. Wf. Malinda; ch. Frank, David, John, Lula. P. O. Page, R. 1. O. 190.40 ac., sec. 31. (1.)

Dougherty, C. J. Wf. Minnie; ch. Robert, Vern, Boyd. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 32. (4.) Owner, May Groves.

Dougherty, John. Wf. Catherine; ch. Anna, Lora, Josie, Mae, Charles, Mable, Jess. P. O. Walnut, R.1. O. 160 ac., sec. 34; O. 80 ac., sec. 23; O. 160 ac., sec. 29; and in Washington Prec., O. 149.49 ac., sec. 18. (20.) Breeder of Poland China Hogs and Short Horn Cattle.

Edson, A. J. Wf. Grace; ch. Fern, Clarice. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 19; R. 145.94 ac., sec. 19; R. 304.15 ac., sec. 30. (11.) Owner, J. W. Hamer.

Evens, C. O. and S. H. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 8; O. 160 ac., sec. 9. (18.) Owner, Samuel Evens.

Eyer, Floyd. Wf. June; ch. Olliebell, Ralph, Lyle. P. O. Royal, R. 1. R. 320 ac., sec. 34. (5.) Owner, Fred Butterfield.

Finch, Y. W. Wf. Alta; ch. J. W., Clarence, Pauline. P. O. Middlebranch. O. 160 ac., sec. 7; O. 160 ac., sec. 8. (1.)

Gehrke, T. A. Wf. Clara; ch. Erwin, Leona, Adelia, Luella. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 27. (3.) Owner, Henry Kuhnheim.

Germond, J. A. Wf. Minnie. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 35; R. 80 ac., sec. 35. (36.) Owner, E. Higgins.

Greling, J. L. Wf. Clara; ch. Roscoe. P. O. Walnut, Star Route. O. 320 ac., sec. 25- R. 320 ac., sec. 25. (36.)

Grim, Chas. E. Wf. Lizzie; ch. Elmer, Tyler, Hessie. P. O. Venus R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 32. (45.) Owner Sarah E. Grim.

Grim, W. D. wf. Sarah E.; ch. Stellie V., Ella W., Charles E., Ira A., Maud M. P. O. Venus R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 32. (47.)

Grossie, Frank F. Wf. Emelia; ch. Frank, Wm., Agnes, Carl, Minnie, Otto, Arthur, Adeline, Edwin, Esther, Edgar, Hugo,. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 31; R. 160 ac., sec 32. (12.) Owner, I. Sibbersen.

Gross, Frank. Wf. Pearl; ch. Victor, Talitha, Wayne. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 400 ac., sec. 12; O. 160 ac., sec 11; O. 40 ac., sec. 13. (41.) "Walnut Valley Farm."

Grove, W. J. Wf. Mildred; ch. John, Evelyn, Esther. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 609.20 ac., sec. 4; R. 41.88 ac., sec. 3. (4.)

Hamilton, Jason. Wf. Rachel; ch. Earl, Lloyd, Arthur, Gertrude, George. P. O. Venus. R. 319 ac., sec. 29; R. 80 ac., sec. 28. (25.) Owners, A. M. Tillman and D. K. Nindel.

Hartford, C. C. Wf. Clara; ch. Cecil. P. O. Middle Branch. O. 240 ac., sec. 17; O. 80 ac., sec. 18. (2.)

Hathway, Chas. Wf. Anna; ch. Alice, Hattie. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 163.72 ac., sec. 2. (25.) "Fair Valley View Farm."

Herman, L. L. Wf. Nacy E.; ch. Wm., Ethel, Leonard, Pauline. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 26; O. 160 ac., sec. 35. (10.)

Hildreth, P. L. Wf. Anna; ch. Johnnie, Bertha, Floyd, Evie, Elsie, Ernest, Ollie, Myrtle, Mae. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 200 ac., sec. 36; R. 160 ac., sec. 25. (36.) Owner, Herman Groveling.

Hines, Wm. R. Wf. Anna; ch. Lloyd, Leo, Lula, Lora, Lillie, Lucile, Lulila. P. O. Venus. O. 160 ac., sec. 28; O. 160 ac., sec. 33. (31.)

Horstman Henry. Wf. Ethel; ch. Eugene, Dale. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 28. (1.) Owners, O. Emrich and A. Kalmer.

Hunter, O. J. Wf. Julia; ch. Fred, Roy, Korine. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. O. 320 ac., sec. 29. (10.)

Hunter, Roy. Wf. Julia. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. O. 128.30 ac., sec. 30. (10.)

Lieb, Chris. Wf. Sylvia; ch. James, Tena, Lena, Alice, Chris, Ernest, Mildred. P. O. Middle Branch. R. 240 ac., sec. 18; R. 160 ac., sec. 17. (2.) Owner, F. A. Faulhaber.

Longbine, H. F. Wf. Justy; ch. Henry C., Katie, Carrie. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 14. (2.) Owner, A. C. King.

Lowman, J. O. Wf. Clara; ch. Ralph, Sara, Ivan, Lee, Gale, Margaret, Della, Baby. P. O. Venus, R, 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 11; O. 10 ,ac., sec. 10. (13.)

Maple, Victor E. Wf. Anna; ch. Miriam. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 26. (6.) Owner, G. F. Timmerman.

Mazor, Albert. Wf. Blanche; ch. Florence, Helen. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 32. (1.) Owiier, L. Hutchings.

Maple, C. D. Wf. Mamie; ch. Lawrence, Fern, Floyd. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 34. (9.) Owner, O. F. Coats.

McElhose, E. Wf. Anna; ch. Johnnie, Violet, Walter, Gordon. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 19. (19.)

Miller, Henry E. Wf. Minnie; ch. Ben, Ervin, Rowland, Eddie, George, Lloyd, David, Kenneth. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 22; Leased 160 ac., sec. 16; and in Washington Prec., O. 440 ac., sec. 9; O. 480 ac., sec. 16. (13.)

Mitchell, J. W. Wf. Meda; eh. Bert, Mae, Lloyd, Phil, Arthur, Ruth. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. R. 320 ac., sec. 28. (13.) Owner, Ross Doll.

Montgomery, C. B. Wf. Nellie; ch. Wanda, Dean, Russell, Margaret, Keith. P. O. Venus, R.1. R. 320 ac., sec. 26. (1.)

Montgomery, Chas. Wf. Mary; ch. Baby. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 13. (24.) Owner, H. F. Montgomery.

Mott, Geo. F. Wf. Josephine; ch. Frank, Mary, George, Josephine, Julia, Willie, Edna, Peter. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 400 ac., sec. 21; O. 120 ac., sec. 28; and in Washington Prec., O. 120 ac., sec. 18. (39.) Breeder of Chester White Hogs. "Mott Valley Farm."

Mott, Geo. J. Wf. Ida; ch. Hazel, Ethel. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 120 ac., sec. 21; O. 120 ac., sec. 20. (36.)

Mott, Jas. A. Wf. Julia; ch. George, Evelyn. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 120 ac., sec. 28; O. 80 ac., sec. 18 in Washington Prec. (32.)

Nelson, Carl A. Wf. Hattie; ch. Alton, Nelosn. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 22; O. 40 ac., sec. 27; O. 240 ac., sec. 32. (20.)

Parkhurst, C. W. Wf. Hattie. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 28. (28.) Owner Belle Butterfield.

Persons, E. A. Wf. Mazie; ch. Lila, Irene, Ethel. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 320 ac., sec. 34; R. 40 ac., sec. 26. (6.) Owner, Fred K. Butterfield.

Petersen, F.A. Wf. Sarah; ch. Marjorie, Marie, Mae, Lena. P. O. Middle Branch. O. 131.90 ac., sec.18. (7.)

Pospeshil, John. Wf. Anna; ch. Vlasta, Rudolph, Albert, Viola. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 325.40 ac., sec. 5; O. 165.40 ac., sec. 5; O. 302.81 ac., sec. 30; O. 82.39 ac., sec. 6; O. 160 ac., sec. 29; O. 420.48 ac., sec. 31; O. 240 ac., sec. 32. (24.) "Oak View Farm."

Risinger, R. Wf. Velma; ch. Mildred, Leonard, Arnold, Marie, Agnes, Franklin, Reba. P. O. Venus, R. 1. R. 160 ac., sec. 15; O. 160 ac., sec. 3. (16.) Owner, F. Butterfleld.

Schuster, C. G. Wf. Francis; ch. Willie, Tony, Herbey. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 27. (35.)

Shipman, U. G. Wf. Frances; ch. Bessie, Marion, Gladys, Wayne, Eugene, Anna May. P. O. Venus, Star Route. R. 260.54 ac., sec. 19; R. 65.46 ac., sec. 18. (7.) Owner, John A. Lynch.

Smith, Fred E. Wf. Chloe; ch. Ivan, Earl. P. O. Venus, R. 1. 0. 160 ac., sec. 2; O. 80 ac., sec. 28. (13.) Breeder of Duroc Jersey Hogs. "Fairview Farm."

Smith, Geo. S. Wf. Christina; ch. Lora, Fred. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 160 ac., e,. 2; O. 40 ac., sec. 35. (13.)

Spar, Frazie. Wf. Sylvia; ch. Hazel, Mable, Mina. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 320 ac., sec. 23. (16.)

Spar, Fred G. Wf. Hazel; ch. Ethel. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 16. (12.)

Stevens, Stanley, P. O. Middle Branch. R. 93.0 ac., sec. 7; R. 40 ac., sec. 18. (1.)

Strope, M. G. Wf. Octavia; ch. Chas., Vernon, Shirley. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec.33; O.160 ac., sec. 35. (30.)

Strope, W. W. Jr. Wf. Dora; ch. Bernice, Margaret, Bernard. P. O. Venus, R.1. R. 320 ac. sec. 23, R. 40 ac., sec. 24. (31.) Owners, W. W. and Ella Strope.

Sukup, A. W. Wf. Mary; ch. Louis, Irene, Alven. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 200 ac., sec. 13. (42.)

Tikolsky, T. E. Wf. M. A.; ch. Chester, Arnold, Margaret, Ione, Gerald. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 240 ac., sec. 36. (35.) Breeder of Poland China Hogs. "Fair Acres Farm."

Vanhorn, E. C. Wf. Leafy; ch. Edwin, Harry, Ralph. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 1; O. 80 ac., sec. 12; O. 147.58 ac., sec. 19; O. 160 ac., sec. 1.

Vanhorn, H. A. Wf. Helen; ch. Robert. P. O. Walnut, R. 1. R. 147.58 ac., sec. 19. (22.) Owner, E. C. Vanhorn.

VanKleek, Geo. F. Wf. Millie; ch. Doley. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 240 ac., sec. 33; O. 80 ac., sec. 10. (34.)

Volquardsen, Louis. Wf. Clara. P. O. Venus. O. 160 ac., sec. 11. (13.) "Ash Grove Farm."

Vrooman, Frank F. Wf. Pearl; ch. Rose, Willie, Chas. P. O. Venus, R. 1. O. 160 ac., sec. 20. (35.)

Vrooman, Herbert D. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. R. 80 ac., sec. 28; R. 80 ac., sec. 33. (39.) Owner, L. S. Vrooman Est.

Vrooman, Mrs. L. S. Ch. Herbert, Cora, Milo, Frank, Roy, Lorin, Chas. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. O. 80 ac., sec. 28; O. 80 ac., sec. 33. (39.)

Waring, Mrs. E. M. Ch. Allie, Maud, Roy. P. O. Middle Branch. O. 39.68 ac., sec. 7. (14.)

Wellman, H. W. Wf. Helen; Ch. Lorenzo, Henry, Henrietta, William. P. O. Orchard, R. 1. O. 157 ac., sec. 27; O. 160 ac., sec. 34. (40.)