I am Andrew M Johnson located in Arlington, VA. I am seeking family
information on Barbara KOPETKA. Her place of birth unknown but DOD
is believed to be 4 JUL 1879 in USA, Married Edwin Arthur BENNETT of
Creighton. She lived as a child with the Kirk family and later with
the Bennett family. Her brother was George K. of Verdigre. She was
aunt to Emil KAOPETKA of Bloomfield. Her sister was Mrs. Anna
WINCHELL and a Lizzie GROVES who apparently died in Flint, MI. Her
father, name unknown but probably Joseph, was killed by streetcar in
Omaha where he lived after leaving his farm at Verdigre. Barbara
KOPETKA or Barbarie KAOPETKA died in 1933 in North Dakota and was
always known as "Aunt Jennie."
BK is my grandmother and I would appreciate knowing more about that
Andrew M. Johnson
Email: amjohnson@juno.com